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科罗拉多矿业大学Ning Lu教授“非饱和土力学前沿科学问题系列云讲座”落幕

时间:2020-11-19 12:47:58  点击:   发布者:

916日至1118日,应天博体育官方平台入口邀请,美国科罗拉多矿业大学Ning Lu(卢宁)教授开设的18“非饱和土力学前沿科学问题系列云讲座”落幕,该系列讲座聚焦于非饱和土力学前沿领域,围绕土的吸附势(Soil sorptive potential)与土的有效应力(Soil effective stress2大主题,18讲内容分别为:

Unsaturated Soil Mechanics: fundamental challenges, breakthroughs, and opportunities

Linking soil water adsorption to geotechnical engineering properties I: physics laws

Linking soil water adsorption to geotechnical engineering properties II: physics principles

Linking soil water adsorption to geotechnical engineering properties III: physicochemical and geotechnical properties

Soil sorptive potential: concept, theory, and verification

Soil sorptive potential: experimental validation and determination

Soil sorptive potential: vapor sorption isotherm theory: BET theory

Soil sorptive potential: vapor sorption isotherm theory: augmented BET theory

Soil physicochemical properties: specific surface area

Soil physicochemical properties: cation exchange capacity

General soil water retention curve: capillary vs adsorption

Soil sorptive potential: soil water sorption hysteresis mechanism

Soil effective stress: classical theories of Terzhaghi, Bishop, and Fredlund and Morgenstein

Soil effective stress: contemporary theory of Lu et al.-suction stress characteristics curve

Soil effective stress: unified theory for capillary and adsorption

Soil effective stress: determination by shear and tensile strength, by soil water retention, and by soil shrinkage behavior

Soil effective stress: soil shrinkage behavior

Soil water potential: concepts, physical basis, general forms, and challenges


Ning Lu,美国科罗拉多矿业大学土木与环境工程系教授,主要致力于非饱和土力学领域的科学研究与边坡稳定工程问题研究;美国土木工程师学会最高奖Normal Medal、以及James J. Croes MedalMaurice A. Biot MedalRalph B. Peck Medal获得者;美国土木工程师学会、美国地质学会、美国工程力学学会会士;Vadose Zone Journal副主编,Geotechnical Testing Journal编委;13项美国国家自然科学基金的负责人;138篇期刊文章的主要作者,Google Scholar统计被引9993次;代表专著《Unsaturated Soil Mechanics》和《Hillslope Hydrology and Stability》在国际上获得广泛好评和引用。
